Clive Hicks-Jenkins

In spring 2021 we worked with artist Clive Hicks-Jenkins to produce a ceramic World of Wonders. We used his beautiful animals, originally drawn as vignettes for Marly Youmans’ novel Charis in the World of Wonders, as images to decorate our pots.
Following the success of this first collaboration we worked together with Clive Hicks-Jenkins again in the autumn 2021 on the Harlequinade range.
Clive has a long love of toy theatres and drew these scenes and characters especially to go on the pottery.
He also worked with David W Slack to make a beautiful series of advertising animations which are all available to view on Instagram.
Brita Granström and Mick Manning

In 2022 we worked with award winning author illustrators Mick and Brita, aware that they share our love of old lustre, which Brita frequently includes in her oil paintings. Their subjects include the Brontes, the Beatles, and their lurchers Hilda and Nelly.